Mayweather – Pacquiao: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Come May 2, Who’s Gonna Fall?

Color My World

For this special, historic occasion,  I went up the attic to visit my enchanted kingdom. I took out my crystal ball, shuffled my tarrot cards, spread some potion with my magic wand, and lifted the sheets covering my magic mirror.  And then I huffed and I puffed, I said my abracadabras, boomed my best Merlin voice, and croaked:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Come May 2, who’s gonna fall?

Web search for 'the fairest of them all'. My magic mirror, Moira, fidgets. ‘Been programmed to figure out who’s the fairest, not who’s the better banger, boss!’ (courtesy of

My magic mirror, Moira, she with the gift of grave discernment. She hemmed and she hawed, she fiddled and diddled. Then, like the ominous Nostradamus of old, she quatrained her vision with her spittles and riddles.

I see two noble warriors of a different breed. In a huge Roman arena, so festive, so cruel. One is an archer, raining…

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